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CM Tools; a division of Carrasco Marketing LLC, came to be when a National Gunsmithing School contacted us to help them provide tools to future gunsmiths. Their needs were pretty simple.


They needed the tools to be of high quality. They needed them to be available on a steady basis. They preferred them to be made in the USA. And, they needed them to be reasonably priced.


We pride ourselves on the fact that we have been able to do what they needed. While most of our tools are made in the USA we do also have a few that we import to keep to the reasonably priced requirement. Though ALL of our tools meet the "high quality" requirement.


So, it's with great excitement to announce that we are bring these high quality tools to the public. Now the public will have access to the same high quality, reasonably priced tools as future gunsmiths. Be sure to to come back often as we are on a mission to bring you even more tools, accessories and reloading equipment.


Thank you and we look forward to serving the firearms community for many years with The Right Tools for the Job!

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